
第八 实验法.pptVIP

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第八 实验法

第八 实验法 实验法:对研究的变量进行操纵或控制,创设一定的情境,以探求心理现象的原因、发展规律的研究方法。 实验研究:实验室实验 vs 现场实验 非实验研究: 实验室非实验研究 vs 现场非实验研究 实验研究中,可以运用所有的非实验研究方法。 现场实验与现场研究的区别 实验设计的类型 前实验:对任何变量都没有控制 单组后侧设计、单组前后测设计和静态组比较 准实验:能对一部分无关变量进行控制,介于前实验与实验设计之间。(运用原始群体作为被试) 时间序列设计、相等时间样本设计、不相等组前后测设计、不相等实验组控制组前后测时间序列设计 (真)实验:对无关变量严格控制,如随机取样、前测和控制组等手段。 被试间设计、被试内设计、混合设计 多因素实验设计:揭示自变量之间交互作用的效果 It seems to me that a student can develop an appreciation for research only by going to original experimental reports published in contemporary journals.---Plutchik(1983) 转引自朱滢《心理实验研究基础》(2006) 对于社会科学家,实验就好比是显微镜和闪光灯,帮助我们把人类行为放慢,分解成一个一个的镜头,把每种力量单独提取出来,放大开来,仔细加以观察,让我们直接地明确无误地检测我们行为的原动力。 ——Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational .《怪诞行为学》 Why Experiment? We don’t know we don’t know but often think we know – the na?ve realism What comes to mind easily often affects us the most – the heuristics What is already in our mind often affects us in ways we don’t know – the construal principle What constrains us often limits how we think and behave – the limits of self awareness What makes a good experiment? Asking big question Asking right question Counter intuitive Argumentative Simplicity Why people obey the power? The Milgram Experiments (1974) Destructive Behavior: Milgram Subjects agreed to participate in a Yale University study on memory and learning. They were instructed by the experimenter: to administer “painful but not dangerous” electrical shocks, in fifteen-volt increments, to a coparticipant (unbeknownst to the subjects, a confederate of the experimenter) for incorrect answers (including no answer) to word-matching questions. Destructive Behavior: Milgram Destructive Behavior: Milgram With each error, the teacher ups the voltage one increment, gradually moving across the control panel to increasingly ominous designations and increasingly vehement protests. After the last protest, at 330 volts, the learner is unresponsive. Has he had a heart attack? What is the teacher to do? No answer is a wrong answer: continue the progressio


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