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慢性宫颈炎 chronic cervicitis 病因:多由急性宫颈炎转变而来,常因急性宫颈炎治疗不彻底,病原体隐藏于宫颈管黏膜内形成慢性炎症。 分娩,流产或手术损伤宫颈后,病原菌侵入。 * candidiasis albicans is the fungus. Candidiasis is not usually a sexually transmitted disease. Yeast is part of the normal vaginal flora in many women, End symptoms develop only when overgrowth of these organisms occurs. Occurs more frequently in women who are pregnant , have diabetes, and take higher dose of oral contraceptives because of its ability to thrive in well-estrogenized, high-glycogenic vaginal tissue. Several conditions predispose to symptomatic moniliasis, including recent antibiotic or corticosteroid therapy, diabetes, use oral contraceptives, pregnancy, and immunodeficiency states. Serious systemic infections are uncommon unless the patient is receiving hyperalimentation or is immunocomprornise. * Symptoms: infected pts usually report vaginal and vulvar pruritus and a cheesy white, curd like vaginal discharge. Urine pain, urine frequency and sex intercourse pain are also the main symptoms. The vaginal mucosa and vulva may be erythematous and edematous. * Ovarian function declines, and estrogen level decreases. S/S: vaginal discharge increases, thin and light yellow, feel itchy and discomfort. Vaginal check, will show senile Atrophic,mucus erythematic, and has some tiny blood spots. * Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix , it may be acute or chronic. * Main Symptom is visible discharge flow from endocervix Mucopurulent inspection via a speculum, the cervix appears swollen and reddened. Bleeding may be precipitated by gentle touch alone. 主要是该部位鳞状上皮因炎症刺激而脱落,被柱状上皮所覆盖。临床分3型:单纯性糜烂:炎症初期鳞状上皮脱落,被单层柱状上皮覆盖,表面平坦。颗粒型糜烂:炎症继续发展,柱状上皮过度增生并伴有间质增生,糜烂面凹凸不平呈颗粒状。乳突型糜烂:柱状上皮和间质继续增生,糜烂面高低不平更加明显,呈乳突状突起。根据糜烂的面积大小把糜烂分为3度:糜烂面积小于宫颈面积的1/3为轻度糜烂;糜烂面积占宫颈面积的1/3~2/3为中度糜烂;糜烂面积大于宫颈面积的2/3为中度糜烂。描写糜烂应同时表示糜烂面积和深浅,如中度糜烂乳突型。 * 息肉可为一个或多个不等,色红、质脆、易出血。直径约为1cm,由于炎症存在,息肉去除后常有复发。 * 在宫颈糜烂愈合的过程中,新生的鳞状上皮覆盖宫颈腺管或伸入腺管,将腺管口阻塞。 囊肿表面呈白色或淡黄色。 * PID is an infection that may affect some or all struct


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