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医科院校和非医科院校大学生营养K-A-B定性调查 黄文杰 李佩波 魏小平 张勇 赵勇 (重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院营养与食品卫生学教研室,重庆 400016) 【摘 要】 目的 对医科院校和非医科院校大学生的营养知识、态度和行为(K-A-B)调查,探明各自存在的营养问题以及营养教育需求,探讨切实可行不同院校大学生营养健康教育模式。方法 采用定性研究方法,包括专题小组访谈和个人深入访谈。医科和非医科院校各选取一所,从两校的高低年级随机各抽取3组(每组6-8人,共80人,年龄在18-22岁间)进行专题小组访谈,各抽取6人作为个人深入访谈。结果 无论医科院校还是非医科院校,大学生的营养知识都比较匮乏,获取营养知识渠道有限,非医科院校较医科院校更为严峻。均存在较多的营养误区和一些不良的饮食行为习惯。医科院校高年级学生对营养知识水平较低年级好,但具体的饮食行为不佳。多数学生表示愿意获得营养知识教育,学生间经常讨论饮食问题,饮食行为常受周围学生的影响。结论 医科和非医科院校大学生的营养K-A-B都存在一定问题,两类学校营养教育需求均很大。可在传统宣教模式(如营养知识讲座、墙报板报及与营养有关的选修课等)的基础上,可以探索新的教育模式(如同伴教育等)。 【关键词】大学生;营养知识态度行为;定性研究;健康教育 Nutrition K-A-B of medical colleges and non medical students: A qualitative research HUANG Wen-jie LI Pei-bo WEI Xiao-ping et al ( Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, College of Public Health and Administratin, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016,P.R.China ) 【Abstract】 This survey is aimed at making an analysis of the nutritional knowledge attitude and behavior between students from Medical school and non-Medical school ,searching for practical nutrition education style for university students ,in order to improve their physical quality effectively. Methods Qualitative research is used in this survey .In the qualitative research focus discussion group has been done in the two universities; there were six group in all, including freshmen and the seniors. Individual interviews on six students were made in two universities. Results In the qualitative research, we find that the channels of absorbing systematic and scientific nutrition knowledge limited. They have many unhealthy behaviors and wrong believe about nutrition. The students tend to know the nutrients’ biological role, their food source and relations with the diseases.Students eating behavior is often affected by the the surrounding. Conclusions It was necessary and urgent to develop nutrition education .there are many factors which influence the students’ nutrition knowledge, attitude and behavior. We can try using meth


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