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Different Departments 商学院: School/College of Business 外语学院: School of Foreign Languages 电院: School of Electronics and Information Engineering 国教院: School of International Education 护理学院: School of Nursing 体育学院: School of Physical Education 音乐学院: School of Music 法学院: School of Law Different Departments 艺术设计学院:School of Art Design 基础教学部: School of Basic Education 学校办公室: School Office 教务处: Academic Administration 财务部: Finance Department 网络管理中心: Network Management Center 后勤集团: Logistics Group 校工会: Trade Union of College 审计督查办:Audit Supervision Office Different Positions 1. 院长/主任:dean /director (结算中心主任: settlement centre director) 2. 党总支书记/副书记: (deputy)Secretary of Party General Branch 3. 辅导员: instructor 4. 秘书:secretary 5. 行政人员: administrative staff/clerk 6. 管理员(administrator): 机房管理员:computer room administrator 多媒体教室管理员:multimedia classroom administrator 网络信息管理员:Network administrator Different Positions 7.主管/处长(director/supervisor): 财务处长:finance director 技术服务部主管:technical service director 档案室主管:file director 保洁主管: Cleaning supervisor 8. 工会主席:chairman of trade union 9. 保育老师: day care worker 10.销售顾问: sales adviser 11. 宿管员: supervisor of the dorm 12. 干事: officer (消防干事:fire control officer) 13. 科长:section chief 14. 校警: school police 15.宾馆领班/前台: the headwaiter/ hotel receptionist Do it by yourself Please introduce yourself to your partners. (请向同伴们做自我介绍) Example: Hi, I am / my name is Wang Jing. I am from School of Foreign Languages. I am/ work as an English teacher. Introducing others(介绍别人) 1.Let me introduce/present Mr. Daniel Nelson. 2. This is my friend/classmate/colleague Li Ming. 3.May I introduce my friend/ classmate colleague Li Ming to you? 4. I’d like you to meet Jim Peters. 让我给你介绍一下…. Pleased to meet you. How do you do? Introducing Others 5.Have you met Monica? 6.Do you know Bob? 你知道/见过……吗? 1. No, not yet. 2. I remember his face, but I am not sure we’ve met. Do it by yourself Suppose you and you


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