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2010 5 26 5 Ch in J P ubl ic H ealth M ay 2010 Vol. 26 N o. 5 525 + + : 1001-0580( 2010) 05-0525-03 : R 15114 2; R 174 14 : A = 张莉, 张格祥, 吴玮, 周源苑, 马剑华, 王玉 : ( KAP) 2008 3- 8 3 16~ 24 ( KAP), 471 04% , 58112% ; ; 671 52% , 45123% , 121 15% , 261 54% , 30152% , , 01 245, 01 298, 01 254(P 0105); , B 01374, 01310, 01 160 (P 0105); , , : ; ; ; ; Know ledge, attitude, practice of nutrition in pregnant wom en of Lanzhou city ZHA NG L ,i ZHA NG G e- iang, W U W e,i et al. In stitu te of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Schoo l of PublicH ealth, Lanzhou Un iversity (Lanzhou 730000, C hina ) Abstract: Objective T o investigate the status of nutrition know ledge, attitude and practice ( KAP) and related influ- encing factors am ong the pregnan tw om en in Lanzhou city. M ethods A questionnaire survey w as carried out am ong preg- nan t w om en in three hosp itals of Lanzhou city. Results M ost pregnantw om en had a positive attitude tow ards nutrition and health. H ow ever, on ly 47. 04% of the subjects had adequate know ledge on nutrition and healthy dietary practice. M any preg- nan tw om en w ere fastidious about their food. The ratios of pregnant w om en w ho did not eat an mi al in ternal organs, an mi al b lood, m ilk, bean and its products, and nuts w ere 451 23% , 121 15% , 26154% , and 301 52% , respecitively. A signif icant pos-i tive correlation w as found bewt een nutrition know ledge, attitude and practice( r = 01 245, 01298, 01254; P 0105). The Level of education, occupation, the husbandps occupation w ere them ajor contributing factors to KAP level on nutrition, w ith partial correlation coefficients of 01374, 01310, 01 160 am ong the pregnant w om en (P 01 05). Conclusion Th


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