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sell well/badly (不)好卖 如:The concert tickets cost too much and sold badly. It’s a nice design, but I’m not sure if it will sell. Key Points keep up with 跟上 如:We can’t keep up with demand. He hired a tutor because he wasn’t able to keep up with the rest of the class. Key Points stock 作动词,意思是“(尤指为销售而)储备” 如:That shop stocks all types of shoes. The fridge is stocked up with food. Key Points focus 作动词,意思是“集中(注意力)于” 如:Today we’re going to focus on the question of homeless people. He was very tired and couldn’t focus at all. Key Points in (great, more…) detail (很,更…)详细 如:Let’s look at these figures in more detail. She described the accident in great detail. Key Points Work in pairs and act out the role play.” 范例: A: Have you borrowed money from the bank before? B: Yes, I have. A small loan from China Construction Bank for a partnership. Small as it was, it served my purpose and has brought in profits. BEC Preliminary Exam 5.3 Exam Spotlight Exam Format—Reading 阅读测试包括七个部分,45道题目。本书第15页有一个总表,说明每部分的题目形式。 Exercise 1—Tip: 本道练习与BEC P阅读考试的第一部分类似,正式考试共5道题,每题三个选项。该部分要求考生从三个选项中选出意义与原文意义最接近的一项。题句中的dispatched on receipt of payment意思是“款一到即发货”,与pay before the goods are sent意思相同。 Reading Test—Parts 1-3 Exercise 2—Tip: 本道练习与BEC P阅读考试的第二部分类似,正式考试共5道题。该部分要求考生从八个选项中选出五个与题目的五个问题进行匹配。问题中往往有一些难词,或不熟悉的人名和地名,但这些词大都不影响关键信息,因此不要为生词所困,要学会分清信息的主次。 Reading Test—Parts 1-3 1. 题目的关键信息是increase the visibility of her shop window,即增加橱窗的吸引力。因此她需要的服务项目是displays, signs posters,即可通过改进陈列、招牌和海报使橱窗更引人注目。 Key and Analysis 2.题目的关键信息是send 12 huts from his factory to Riyadh,显然她需要送货(shipping)服务。该句中的prefabricated对于决大多数学生来说是个生词,但它不是主要信息。另外,还有三个不熟悉的词(Milhail Romanov, Minsk, Riyadh),只要会判断Milhail Romanov是人名,Minsk和 Riyadh是地名,就能轻松绕过这些障碍,找到正确答案。 Key and Analysis 3.题目的关键信息是produce a new website for his company,因此他需要的是与网页设计有关的服务,找Internet design不会有错。该句中的pharmaceutical对于大多数学生来说是个生词,但它不是主要信息,可以跳过。 Key and Analysis 4.题目的关键信息是doesn’t know if there is a demand for her products in Europe,即不知道欧洲是否


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