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22 6 Vol. 22 No. 6 2009 12 World Forestry Research Dec2009 * 林 波 尚 鹤 姚 斌 陈 展 刘小楠 (, , 100091) : 近年来湿地生态系统健康已成为湿地科学研究的热 之一在查阅国内外有关湿地生态系统健康文献 的基础上, 简要回顾了生态系统健康概念的内涵, 从湿地生态系统健康的概念影响因子研究尺度评价方法 等方面分析了湿地生态系统健康的研究现状, 其中重 归纳了湿地生态系统健康的评价方法在此基础上探 讨了当前研究存在的问题和今后发展的方向 : 湿地生态系统, 健康, 影响因子, 研究尺度, 评价方法 : P 941. 7 , P 964 : A : 1001- 4241( 2009) 06- 0024- 07 R esearch on W etland E co system H ealth L in Bo ShangH e Y ao Bin Chen Zhan Liu X iaonan ( K ey Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environm ent of State Forestry Adm inistration, Research Institute of Forest E cology, Environm ent and Protection, ChineseA cadem y of Forestry, B eijing 100091, China) Abs tract: W etland ecosystem health has recently become one of the hotspots in thew etland research. Based on the relevant literature both domestic and abroad, the connotation of ecosystem health w as briefly review ed, and the present research situation ofw etland ecosystem healthw as analyzed in term s of mi pactfactors, research scaleand diagnosticmethods, focusing on the assessment method of w etland ecosystem health. The existing problem s and developm ent trends of the fieldw ere also discussed. K ey w ord s: w etland ecosystem, health, mi pact factors, research scale, assessmentm ethod 1 , 20 [ 3] , , , , [ 4]


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