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土楼(Tulou) Zhangzhou Tulou Nanjing Tulou, Storied Building of Yongding the same line, there are a lot of the bus station in Xiamen to Nanjing and Yongding bus, and Huaan Tulou, the overall process is similar, historical appearance, and shape difference. 1: to Nanjing County of Zhangzhou City, Nanjing Tulou travel, Fujian Tulou, hometown of Nanjing, the world heritage Nanjing Tulou has two floors with two groups, respectively, tianluokeng earth (four dishes and one soup), hekeng Tulou cluster and Huaiyuan buildings, and your floor (above the swamp of Noahs Ark). Yongding tourism is divided into AB two lines A Yongding tourism line tianluokeng earth and hekeng Tulou cluster belong to Shuyang town Nanjing County jurisdiction, the town also has 700 years of reel right and left Yuchang building, also known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa of the East, and the tower under the village Zhang Temple 23 root Shilong flag travel and accommodation in the village under the tower, can feel the strong flyfox pastoral atmosphere. There is a Book town. The waterfall is also a beautiful natural attractions, but to the tree falls the sea in spring and summer will rain, will be more attractive. The B line is Nanjing County town of Merlin yunshuiyao Town, the tourism and world heritage and your floor, Huaiyuan building belonging to the location in the same village, and your building is a building in the marshes of the square Tulou, because the ancient land is the lifeblood of the people, so that the ancient people innovation, with vertical and horizontal staggered in the swamp on the pine cushion in the swamp, and then built the legendary and your floor above. And your floor walk about 1 kilometers is yunshuiyao Town, some of the ancient banyan tree old and clumsy along the stream of growth, and form a harmonious picture of a beautiful ancient banyan, small bridges, water, people, but also a lot of artists painting, photography, film lovers choose the mining scene. Yunshuiyao farther than 1


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