新版pep五年级下册unit_5_whose_dog_is_it_a_let 39;s_talk课件.ppt

新版pep五年级下册unit_5_whose_dog_is_it_a_let 39;s_talk课件.ppt

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新版pep五年级下册unit_5_whose_dog_is_it_a_let 39;s_talk课件

新版PEP小学英语五年级下册 This is your book.=The book is yours. That is her pencil=The pencil is___ This is his ruler=The ruler is __ This is our classroom=The classroom is __ … This is my dog.=The dog is mine. hers his ours Lets review 利用你们手中的学习用品进行对话。 A: Look! This is my book . That book is yours. B: Yes,This book is mine A: Whoes book is that? B: It’s ZhangPeng’s book. (提示词:his /mine/ her /ours /yours/ theirs/ Mike’s) There is an art show(艺术展)in John’s school. Let’s enjoy some pictures. a picture of trees a picture of Shanghai a picture of Beijing Which is John’s picture? Which is Chenjie’s picture? Are these(这些)all ours? Which picture is beautiful? Read and answer the questions. The yellow picture. Yes, they are. That picture of Shanghai is beautiful. Whose (picture) is it? It’s______ ’S. Oh,Yes! It’s______ ZhangPen his --Look!There is a _______________. Whose is it? --It’s______ . --Oh,Yes! It’s______ Yifan’s his picture of Shanghai 提示词:pencil /schoolbag/T-shirt.. Amy’s/hers/ours/theirs/mine… 3. Fill in the blanks Chen Jie: The yellow picture is ______. Are these all ______ ? Mike: Yes, _____________. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture ____ Beijing is __________. ______ is it? Mike: It’s _________ ’s. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, ______. Mike: It’s ________. Chen Jie: Oh, yes. It’s ______. mine ours they are of beautiful Whose Zhang Peng too Yifan’s his Ask and find out 模仿Sarah和Chen Jie 的对话,两人一组进行问答练习。至少询问两个问题。 --Whose book is it/this? --It’s_______. --Whose books are these? --They are ______ 同学们,让我们一起帮丢失的物品找到到它的主人吧!(用所给词的正确形式填空,再小组改编对话) --Look!There is a pen .Is this ___(you) pen? --No, the pen isn’t _____ (my). ______(I)pen is bule. This pen is black. --_______pen is it? -- I think(认为) the pen is ______(Amy). It’s _____(she) --Whose books are these? --They are ___ (ZhangPeng). --Oh, yes!They are__ (he). your mine My Whose Amy’s hers ZhangPeng‘s h



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