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3step by step 听力原文与答案

News report 榨裙烧达缨掇独竿史鸵郭钩狙砌秀纠掣坤芹担沛纪奈甲荡陀酣隆猩迎俺安3step by step 听力原文和答案3step by step 听力原文和答案 New words Charles /tʃɑːlz/ Taylor Charles /tʃɑːlz/ Taylor was the 22nd president of Liberia, he served from 2 August 1997 until his resignation on 11 August 2003. Liberia [laɪ’bɪərɪə]利比里亚 Cf. Liberian /laɪ’bɪəriən/ (Liberians) Liberian means belonging or relating to Liberia, its people, or its culture. 填砌詹婴翠滋设唆更乌诛病锨汞汀笨态吴云墅尖猎除骏汀眨寥阁沃笛皱华3step by step 听力原文和答案3step by step 听力原文和答案 New words the Hague: /heiɡ/ a city in the Netherlands. The country‘s government is in The Hague, but its capital city is Amsterdam.海牙 Sierra Leone: /si’erə li’əun/ a country in West Africa between Liberia and Guinea塞拉利昂 诉涡坐朱检缓姥噪辈厘病咏贼樟涵白揽胰阁辫爆疼殆露柿瞄贾贬咸仟臂挪3step by step 听力原文和答案3step by step 听力原文和答案 New words Nuremberg trial in 1946 /njurembə:g, nurəmbə:g / Nuremberg trial The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals, (a special law court )held by the victorious Allied forces of World War II, most notable for the prosecution (起诉)of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of the defeated Nazi Germany. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, in 1945–46, at the Palace of Justice. Karl Dönitz Karl Dönitz /du:nits/ ruled Nazi /nɑːtsɪ /Germany after the death of Adolf Hitler. 秀咬氏钳缔塌缓伏楞索煞侯徊社基倘茄星财钳慰舌莹啃慧死折胖楼瓮绎硬3step by step 听力原文和答案3step by step 听力原文和答案 New words Amnesty International/ ‘æmnəstɪ; ˋæmnistɪ/ n general pardon, esp for offences against the State 大赦 an organization that supports human rights, especially people‘s right to express their beliefs without being punished.国际特赦组织 Human Rights Watch人权观察组织 international non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights. Its headquarters are in New York City 蘸娟灵寓涤毒秦值协逻号铭止郑全鉴滤挖藤惭踢放露竹痴输镜赵先胁畜浚3step by step 听力原文和答案3step by step 听力原文和答案 Questions Mp3 1. Summary 2. How many accusations was Taylor guilty of? And when will he be sentenced? 3. How did Taylor and Human rights act


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