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2010 丁晓钟春季词汇班讲义 目录 外刊文章: The paperless office :On its way, at last1 The CIA and NSA Want You to Be Their Friend on Facebook4 Technology firms in the recession: Here we go again6 考研英语总体复习思路指导:如此准备,考研英语过关不在话下9 1999 年 Text 1 超精解[摘选自《超精解(上)》]11 2007 年 Text 3 超精解[摘选自《超精解(下)》]16 2004 年大作文超精解[摘选自《超精解(下)》]25 The paperless office On its way, at last Oct 9th 2008 | SAN FRANCISCO From The Economist print edition No longer a joke, the “paperless” office is getting closer (01) STEPHANIE BREEDLOVE and her husband founded Breedlove Associates 16 years ago to help families who (legally) hire a nanny with the crushing burden of paperwork that this entails. There are pay stubs to be sent, federal and state tax returns to be filed, pay schedules to be updated and other trails of exceedingly boring paper. Much of the firm’s small office in Austin, Texas, is taken up by 100 paper-filled filing cabinets. An office manager spends 25 hours a week shuffling paper between desks and drawers. At peak times, says Ms Breedlove, the office becomes “a sea of paper,” with colour-coded stacks on conference tables, floors and chairs. (02) With luck, this will soon be a thing of the past. Last year Breedlove decided to go paperless. It is now about halfway there, says Ms Breedlove. The constant flow of information between Breedlove and its clients now goes via e-mail, with forms attached as PDF files. The next step is to roll out an online service so that clients can log on to manage their accounts. Only the Internal Revenue Service still insists on paper for some things, says Ms Breedlove, but even it claims to be going electronic soon. (03) Fewer trees will die and less ink will be squirted, but that is not her primary motivation, she says. It is that everyone—clients and staff—is sick of paper. The clients tend to be young, middle-class families with toddlers; they are good with technology and already pay


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