隆福花园整合策略案(The garden integration strategy case).doc

隆福花园整合策略案(The garden integration strategy case).doc

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隆福花园整合策略案(The garden integration strategy case)

隆福花园整合策略案(The garden integration strategy case) The garden integration strategy case Catalog Promotion strategy Creative communication Media strategy A marketing strategy 1, we face the form The mountain is Banshan Haoyuan large scale, high image, is a model area of luxury We cant sell luxury, beyond In the new century. The exclusive scarce and natural resources, is a model of regional Villa We have to sell the resources and the environment, can not be compared In the new century. The Fairview Park, the first to introduce the concept of the Humanities Sell the garden, we have lost the initiative The garden should sell what? Hard products: 1, the future of Tangxia CBD business circle 2, the international five star Traders Hotel supporting 3, high standard of building materials Royal family 4, 20000 square metres of garden style 5, China elegant combination of Humanities and international business style 6, not only service hotel style property management service of humanity 7, 90 to 110 square meters of the main apartment layout 8, 5 minutes of life, schools, shopping malls, banks and other close at hand We have, our opponents almost all Our breakthrough: avoid opponents, establish new ideas of regional Our customers: Maybe he is: the local private business owners and self-employed boss; Perhaps he: senior managers of large enterprises; Perhaps he is: financial, communications, health, education, power, The legal monopoly of high paying industries in high income population; Perhaps he is the senior civil servants administrative institutions...... They are from Tangxia local, around the township, Shenzhen or Hong Kong customers; They are: the need for business, to facilitate exchanges and cooperation and win-win here; They are: the bones of indelible Chinese cultural plot, but never conceal their love of Western culture; They are: 25-45 years old, with the generation of; With the concept of exclusive private competitors, on the contrary, we advocate: Share Share what?


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