计算机导论复习范围(Introduction to review the scope of computer).doc

计算机导论复习范围(Introduction to review the scope of computer).doc

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计算机导论复习范围(Introduction to review the scope of computer)

计算机导论复习范围(Introduction to review the scope of computer) The first chapter is introduction The basic concepts of computer 1.1 (1) a computer can be stored in advance in accordance with the procedures, automatic, high speed data input, processing, output and storage system. The component of computer system The hardware is composed of five parts. The software, system software, application software (2) five features of the computer (3) computer use: scientific calculation, data processing, real-time control, artificial intelligence, computer aided engineering and education support (CAD, CAM, CIMS, CAI), entertainment and games (4) the history of the development of the computer in the generation usually in the main components used to partition Electron tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, large-scale integrated circuits and VLSI computer In 1946, the first computer ENIAC Von Neumann storage program The main features of the fifth generation of computer artificial intelligence 1.5 the challenge of information society (1) the features of information society (2) Internet prototype (3) Chinese education and research network, Chinese public information network, China science and technology network, Chinese chinagbn exercises Two, choice 1-6:A B D C C C 7-12: B C D B B C The second chapter of the basic knowledge of computer The basic operation of computer 2.1 (1) system concept, the mutual conversion between hexadecimal, 10 hexadecimal conversion for 2,8,16 system; 2, 8,16 as 10 hexadecimal hexadecimal conversion; conversion between 2 hex and 8 hex; conversion between 2 hex and 16 hex. (2) the number of fixed point and floating point representation (concept) (3) several encoding information The basic structure and working principle of the 2.3 computer (1) basic structure: computing devices, memory, controller, input and output devices (component functions) (2) the main technology in the field of computer organization and system structure. Exercises: A choice: 1-5:B C B A A



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