计算机操作流程(Computer operation process).doc

计算机操作流程(Computer operation process).doc

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计算机操作流程(Computer operation process)

计算机操作流程(Computer operation process) 1. set the default directory In the my computer in the last disk to create a folder named after the names of their own class. Open the vf-- - click on the tools (option) - the file location (the default directory) - click modify - (use) if it had the option, then do not -- the selected folder -- as the default, click OK to complete the set. 2. the establishment of Project Manager Click on the file (New) - Project - a new file - his name to save the Pinyin. In the project manager click data (New) - established in his name in pinyin name database to establish the corresponding named table, the content can be input word. C-- character type N-- type D-- type M-- numerical date note L--- logic 3. effective principle and prompt information, are in the English state input is valid. 4. to establish a permanent relationship, pay attention to Editorial Association online reference integrity right click the mouse when not on the table between the two. According to the new query query - - to add table field and grouping requirements of the output on the field, such as different age or department name to age or field Department added together, at the same time also add this field in the packet, this is the most confused place, all the other; very simple, according to the prompts. I * menu: Project Manager, and other new menu - call table (\T), each sub menu (create) - - to - party table process (Editor), use - * * * * * * table Browse - - - - - query command to do *****.qpr - - - - - # menu item To exit, - to - sysmenu nosave - set set sysmenu to default. B. (click the box, hold down the ctrl+E key and click OK to close the can) displayed in the box inside the checkmark - data operation (\D), sub - menu (create) - - - - - do command to form form***** To - to - program - do command to *****.prg Note: the arrows represent the operation steps of the data block in the box indicates that in fact the internal (except right front box) * * * on behalf



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