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  毕业设计(论文)题目某基坑工程支护设计起讫日期 2000年0月0日 至 2000年0月0日学生姓名专业班级所在院系      指导教师 职称 所在单位2000年0月00日摘 要基坑支护是为保证地下结构施工及基坑周边环境的安全,对基坑侧壁及周边环境采用的支挡、加固与保护措施。常见的基坑支护形式有排桩支护,地下连续墙支护、喷锚支护、逆作拱墙等等。本设计内容基于基坑工程知识,在规范和安全手册的要求下,配合理正岩土软件进行基坑边坡的支护设计。本项目为×××基坑支护设计,未支护前边坡基本为未稳定状态或临界稳定状态。有放坡条件的地区选取喷锚支护,没有放坡条件基坑西侧选取排桩支护。它是通过钢筋混凝土网或桩体将锚固力传递给坡体,改善坡体应力状态,使坡体受压,产生抗滑力,从而达到稳固坡体的目的。先根据危险截面的具体地质环境和未支护时边坡的土力学特性进行初步支护概况确定,然后通过查阅规范与安全手册进行支护方案的修改,以达到规范要求和安全施工的目的。将修改之后的支护设计方案带入理正软件进行整体稳定性验算,如发现不符合安全要求时,对支护设计进行修正,最后选取最安全、经济合理的支护方案。最后做绘制出施工图纸。关键词:整体稳定性、边坡支护、锚索、排桩AbstractExcavation is to ensure the safety of underground structures and the construction pit surrounding environment, and the side walls of the pit surrounding environment using retaining, strengthening and protection measures. Common excavation in the form of row of piles, diaphragm walls supporting, spray anchor support, etc. against the wall for the arch.The design content based Foundation engineering knowledge, at the request of specifications and safety manual, with the rationale being geotechnical software to support design of pit slope. This project is the design of shoring Kui Ying Street Xigang District, Dalian-based sewing machine field relocation or renovation projects, before the slope does not support a substantially stable state is not the state of critical or stable. There grading criteria Region select bolting and shotcreting, no grading Conditions pit west of selected row of piles. It is through the network or reinforced concrete piles anchoring force to the slope, improve the stress state of the slope, so that the slope is compressed, generating stabilizing force, so as to achieve stability of the slope.Firstensure preliminary support and then modify support programs by referring to norms and safety manual to achieve the purpose of construction and safety specifications in accordance with the mechanical properties of the soil slope when specific geological environment and non-dangerous section of support. The support plan after re


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