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贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克号纪念馆:100周年记忆在贝尔法斯特市的泰坦尼克区,一座新建筑正拔地而起。 行驶在拉干桥上或者沿着历史悠久的位于前造船厂中心的皇后大道前行,你会看到一座雄伟的建筑正在建造中。这个新泰坦尼克旅游景点令当地旅游业和公众兴奋不已。 建造该纪念馆所需时间与建造皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号所耗费的时间长短一致绝非巧合,埃里克·库恩的超现代建筑的外形酷似四艘船的船体也并非偶然。该建筑和100年前贝尔法斯特哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂建造这艘著名轮船的所在地在同一地点。建筑规模将模拟(该失事)船舶的实际大小。 建筑物表面镶有金属碎片,当光线照射其上时,整个建筑看起来好似水的波动。从高空往下看,建筑物酷似一颗白星,象征着泰坦尼克号的运营商。竣工后,纪念馆的周围是公共水域,纪念馆倒映其中,游客可从一条象征贝尔法斯特工业历程之路的小径走向纪念馆。 贝尔法斯特市迟迟不愿从自己的观点出发讲述泰坦尼克号的故事。建造了这艘“永不沉没的”邮轮的城市花了近一百年的时间才最终接受了她悲惨的命运。她带着如此的自豪出发,然而在离开家乡不到两周的时间就沉没在大西洋的海底。当世界上的其他城市(有些与泰坦尼克号有很强的关联,有些压根没有任何联系)都在修建相关景点时,贝尔法斯特已经落在了后面,几乎不知道对这个故事作何处理。2011和2012年,这座城市终于可以庆祝泰坦尼克号在工程设计上所取得的成就,并讲述一些不为人知的关于她的建造者和乘客的故事。 The adventure begins the moment you walk through the door and into the buildings giant atrium surrounded by the four high impact “hull” shaped sections which house the experience. As you wander up through Titanic Belfast, you will experience a thrilling ride through the re-construction of the shipyards and the Titanic under construction. The stories of passengers, crew and the heroes of the day will be told in an exciting and modern way. At the conclusion, you can visit the wreck at her resting place on the floor of the North Atlantic. The building is designed so that visitors can enjoy breath-taking views to the slipways where the Titanic was launched and relax in one of the catering outlets. And if you?d like a souvenir to remind you of your trip to the home of the Titanic, there?s plenty to choose from in the Titanic Store. For the visitors, genuine6 Harland and Wolff gates lead the way to galleries. There will be nine of them, being fitted out at a cost of more than one million pounds each. Among them, one has a focus of the launch7 of Titanic. As the visitor exits the Shipyard Ride, they will be faced with an impressive sight: a large window looking straight down the actual slipways on which the Titanic once rested. The window is fitted with state-of-the-art8 glass containing electrodes that switch from the normal view to a superimposed imag


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