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二氧化碳地质储存中的反应溶质运移 数值模拟 Reactive Transport Modeling for CO2 Geological Sequestration 许天福(Tianfu XU) 吉林大学(Jilin University) 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室研究员 (LBNL ,Berkeley, California 94720, USA) Tianfu.good@G Issues Can be Addressed by Reactive Transport Modeling反应溶质运移模拟可以解决的问题 • Changes in groundwater quality induced by CO2 injection (storage formation and shallow aquifers) 由CO 注入引起的地下水水质变化 (储层和浅部含水层) 2 • What is the long-term fate of injected CO ? 2 注入的CO2最终归宿? • What fraction of CO2 is stored as a free phase (mobile or trapped), dissolved in the aqueous phase, or sequestered in solid minerals? 注入的CO2 以不同形式被封存的比例? • How do the proportions in these different storage modes change over time? 不同储层形式随时间的变化? (After IPCC) • Is co-injection with H S feasible?与H2S共同注入是否 2 可行? • Caprock integary?盖层整体安全性? Simulator TOUGHREACT模拟器 Processes (过程): • Multiphase fluid and heat flow: TOUGH2 V2 (Pruess, et al., 1999) (流体和热 模拟) • Transport: advection and diffusion in both liquid and gas phases (溶质运移 模拟) • Chemical reactions: (化学反应模拟) – Aqueous complexation 水相络合物 – Acid-base 酸性机制 – Redox 氧化还原机制 – Mineral dissol./precip. (equilibrium and/or kinetics) 矿物质溶解沉淀 (平衡或动态) – Gas dissol./exsol. 气体溶解析出 – Cation exchange 阳离子交换 – Surface complexation 表面络合 – Linear Kd adsorption 线性Kd吸附 – Decay 衰减 Special Features 特点: • Changes in porosity and permeability, and unsaturated zone properties due to mineral diss./ppt. and clay swelling 由于矿物质溶解/沉淀和粘土膨胀引起的孔隙度和渗透率以及非饱属 性的变化 • Gas phase and gaseous species are active in flow, transport, and reaction 气相和水相物质在流动、运移和化学


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