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Stand up,please! Passage A The Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads? Pre-reading Questions Reading Structure of the Passage Analysis Homework Pre-reading questions 1.Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not? Pre-reading questions 2.What’s the image of a “good family man”? Pre-reading questions 3. A working father as a family breadwinner is often too busy to take care of his family. Now people have a negative image of the working father. What do you think of the “working father”? Structure of the passage: Hint:(3 parts) Part one (Para.1-5) There is a media trend toward reducing the importance of fathers in the United States. Part two (Para.6-7) Another recent media trend is that at-home wives are regarded as “status symbols”. Part three (Para. 8-9) We should recognize and appreciate the great efforts that fathers make to support the family. 1. Toy story (1995): computer-animated movie 胡迪是小主人安弟最喜欢的传统牛仔玩偶,他和其他玩具趁主人不在时,便会"活"起来一起玩闹。可是好景不常,最新奇的热门玩具巴斯光年来了,他让胡迪备受冷落。失宠的胡迪为了巩固自己的地位,只好处心积虑地想要赶走巴斯。在一次意外中,胡迪和巴斯不幸陷入一个玩具虐待狂的邻居家中而命在旦夕。两个冤家路窄互不相容的对手,是否能够化敌为友、发挥机智,顺利地通过这场冒险之旅,回到小主的身边呢? David Blankenhorn 在《无父之美国》Fatherless America(1995)一书中指出,暴力行为在单身汉和那些失去父亲或家庭的青年中间出现的频率最高。作者指出,美国的暴力行为在西进时期表现得最为严重,本世纪40和50年代趋于缓和,90年代起再度猖獗。在分析了这一历史现象后作者指出,暴力行为的起落与家庭关系的发展趋势显然是密不可分的。因此,要控制暴力,就必须维持家庭关系的稳定。 Not only... 本句为倒装句。 Not only置于句首。 despite 后接名词the fact 成分? that 从句做the fact 的同位语从句。 couldn’t have been 表示(过去)不可能… that long gone: absent for so long time 离开太长时间 I only mean to point out the double standard at work when at-home dads are applauded while at- home mothers and breadwinner fathers are given little, if any, cultural recognition. when 从句中包含一个并列句, 并列句由哪个词引导? while =whereas if any 表示 “如果有”,如:你能不能看看这篇文章并改正其中的错误,如果有的话? Can you read the article and correct the mistakes, if any? Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to mothers — as if career satisfaction is what a mans life is all about. as


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