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第 28 卷 增 2 岩石力学与工程学报 Vol.28 Supp.2 2009 年 9 月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Sept.,2009 软黏土二维电渗固结性状的试验研究 李 瑛,龚晓南,焦 丹,刘 振 (浙江大学 软土与环境工程教育部重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027) 摘要:利用自制的试验装置,进行轴对称条件下的饱和软黏土电渗固结试验,通过测量电渗过程中的电势、电流 和排出的水量以及电渗结束后土体的沉降量和含水率分布,从电渗机制和能量消耗的角度研究土体的性状。结果 表明:(1) 土体中的电势不仅与到阴极的距离有关,而且与通电时间有关。轴对称条件下电势以折线形式分布,折 点在阴极附近。(2) 土体中的电场强度并不是不变的,当忽略界面电阻的影响时,它随电渗时间线性减小。(3) 在 电渗的后期,土体电阻率和能量消耗急剧增加,并且存在突变点。试验证明,可以通过能耗系数曲线来控制电渗 时间,减少能量消耗,提高电渗效益。 关键词:土力学;电渗;二维固结;电势分布;电场变化;能量消耗 中图分类号:TU 442 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 –6915(2009)增 2 –4034 –06 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELECTRO-OSMOTIC CONSOLIDATION OF SOFT CLAY LI Ying ,GONG Xiaonan,JIAO Dan ,LIU Zhen (Key Laboratory of Soft Soil and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Ministry of Education ,Zhejiang University , Hangzhou ,Zhejiang 310027,China) Abstract :A laboratory test program on electro-osmotic consolidation was conducted on saturated soft clay in the axisymmetric condition using an newly developed apparatus. Voltage,current,water discharge were observed during the test,and settlement and water content were measured after the test. Then consolidation characteristics of remolded soil were studied from the point of view of electro-osmotic mechanism and energy consumption on the basis of the measured data. The following conclusions are drawn. (1) Voltage at a certain point in the soil relies on both the distance to cathode and the working time. For axisymmetric model ,electric potential is distributed in the form of a broken line,and the turning point is adjacent to cathode. (2) Electric field intensity in the soil is not constant but decreases wit


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