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米索前列醇预防高危妊娠剖宫产术后出血疗效观察[摘要] 目的 观察米索前列醇预防高危妊娠剖宫产术后出血的效果。方法 选择有产后出血高危因素剖宫产者73例,分为观察组及对照组。观察组41例,胎儿娩出后宫体注射缩宫素20u,静脉注射缩宫素20u,术后直肠给予米索前列醇。对照组32例,胎儿娩出后宫体注射缩宫素20u,静脉注射缩宫素20u。观察2组术中术后2小时内出血量。结果 观察组术中及术后2小时平均出血量248±53ml,对照组352±65ml,比较差异明显。两组患者血压、血氧饱和度、心率的影响比较无明显差异。结论 在常规使用缩宫素的同时,术后直肠给予米索前列醇预防高危妊娠剖宫产术后出血,临床效果较好,且用药方便安全。 [关键词] 米索前列醇; 剖宫产术; 产后出血 [中图分类号] R619+.1[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-08-057-01 Rice Suo Forefront Alcohol Prevention High-risk Pregnancy after Cesarean Section of the Bleeding Clinical Observation Xiong Xuehui (Hubei Province Xishui County Maternity and Child Care Centers, Xishui, Hubei,438200) [Abstract] Objective To observe the forefront of rice suo alcohol prevention high-risk pregnancy after cesarean section of the bleeding effect. Methods Choose to have the bleeding after delivery risk factors for 73 cases,the section is divided into the observation group and the control group. The observation group 41 cases, fetal childbirth song after injection oxytocin 20u,intravenous oxytocin after 20u,rectum give rice suo forefront alcohol. The control group 32 cases,fetal childbirth song after injection oxytocin 20u,intravenous oxytocin 20u. Watch two groups operative within 2 hours of blood loss. Results The observation group preoperative and postoperative 2hour average blood loss was 248+53ml,control group 352+65ml, comparative differences apparent.Two groups of patients blood pressure,blood oxygen saturation,the influence of the heart rate is no obvious difference.Conclusion In the routine use of oxytocin and at the same time,the rectum to give rice suo forefront alcohol prevention high-risk pregnancy after cesarean section bleeding,clinical effect is better,and drug use convenient security. [Keywords] Rice suo forefront alcohol; Cesarean section; Postpartum hemorrhage 产后出血是产科常见的并发症,至今仍居我国孕产妇死亡的首位。近10多年来,随着剖宫产的逐年增多而剖宫产术本身就是产后出血的原因之一,因此预防剖宫产术后出血备受关注,特别是有产后出血的高危因素者。我院对41例有产后出血高危因素剖宫产者,在常规使用缩宫素的同时,采用术后米索前列醇直肠给药,预防有产后出血高危因素剖宫产者临床效果较好,现将结果分析如下



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