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29 2 No.2 Vol.29 2 0 0 7 6  Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment   Jun.2 0 0 7 1 1 2 1 宋荣彩, 张哨楠 , 董树义 , 周 文 (1. , 6100 9;2. , 6100 9) :18 41 m 、1 6 、1 km×1km , 。、, , , 。3 、、、、。3 、 。2 ~ 3 , , 。 :;;;;; :P 12.2;TE121.1 :A  :1672-6 61(2007)02-014 -04 Characteristics and Controlling Factors Analyze of Nearshore Subaqueous Fans in Langgu Depression 1 1 2 1 SONG Rong-cai , ZHANG Shao-nan , DONG Shu-yi , ZHO U Wen (1.S choo l of Energ y R esources, Cheng d u Uni v er sity of Technolog y , Chen gd u 6100 9, S ich uan, Ch ina; 2.S chool of Geosci ences, Cheng d u Uni v ersi ty of Tech no logy , Cheng d u 6100 9, S ich uan, Ch ina) Abstract:More studies on the characteristics and controlling factors of the glutenites of nearshore subaqueous fans in Langgu depression are required due to the frequent migration in the vertical and landscape orientation, strong anisotropism, and exploration difficulty.After observing 41 m cores in 18 wells, establishing logging sequences of 1 6 wells, and recognizing 1km×1 km seismic phase, the sediment characteristic and controlling factors of this glutenite are analyzed.This glutenite lies in the dark mudstone and the positive circle of progressive sequence.It can be divided into five periods.From the bottom, the thickness reduces and the layer numbers becomes small.It is thought that the formation of nearshore subaqueous fans is under the control of many factors, such as sequence, Daxing faults, palaeotectonics, palaeoclimatologics, palaeotopography, matter supplementation, but the interaction of three factors is cruci



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