典范英语专用课件 jungl shorts.ppt

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典范英语专用课件 jungl shorts

Answer these questions What did Mr.Cox give to the children in Class 3 before they went home? What’s in it? A letter with good news inside. What’s the good news? Class 3 is going to have football lessons. What did Lenny want his mother to buy him? A stripy shirt and socks. Can Lenny’s mother buy him the things he wanted? Why? No. because she had no enough money. What will Lenny’s mother buy him? New shirts. Was Lenny happy with his mother’s decision? No. Where did they go to buy shorts? The market. Did Lenny like the jungle shorts at first at the market ? How do you know? No. he said ”I need real football shorts”. Why did Lenny and his mother buy the jungle shorts at last? Because other shorts were too big or too small, a pair in Lenny’s size cost far too much money. His mother thought the colours of jungle shorts are lovely. Why didn’t Lenny show Tessa and Pam his shorts? Because they’re not real football shorts. Why did Lenny get changed in a corner behind the door and stand at the back of the line? Because he didn’t want anybody to see his jungle shorts. How many students were wearing jungle shorts? Where did they come from? 5. they came from Lyon Street. What did Lenny feel when he saw so many students wearing jungle shorts? He got a surprise. What’s the result of the football match? The Lions team beat all the others and Mr Cox said they were the champions. Lenny scored five goals. Did Lenny like his jungle shorts at last? How do you know? Yes. Because he cleaned his shorts himself. Discussion What can we learn from the story? What should you do if your parents can’t get you something you want? * * wait in a line 排成一队等着 nearly 几乎,差一点 lend 借给 get out of 脱下 promise 答应 except for 除了。。。之外 make up her mind 打定主意 make sure 确保 crowded 挤满了人 cost much 花钱多,贵 a pair 一条 Cost far too much money 实在是太贵了 A perfect fit 百分之百合身 paid for 付钱买下 Have fun wearing them! 穿着好好玩吧! the next best thing 也很不错了 get changed 换好了衣服 get a surprised 吃了一惊 as well 也 champion 冠军 in that case


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