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31 9 Vol. 31, No. 9 20 11 9 ACTA OPTICA SINICA September, 20 11 混浊大气介质调制传递函数的一般特征 饶瑞中 ( , 230031) ( M T F) , DISORT MT F, MT F , MT F ( ) , MT F ; ; ; ; T N24 1 A doi: 10. 3788/ AOS201131. 0900125 General Characteristics of Modulation Transfer Function of Turbid Atmosphere Rao Ruizhong ( Key L bor tory f or At m ospheric Com posit ion nd Optic l R di tion , An hui In stitu te of Optics n d Fin e Mech nics , Chin ese Ac dem y of Scien ces , Hef ei , An hui 230031, Chin ) Abstract Based on the equi alence of the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a plane parallel turbid medium and the emergent light intensity distribution from the medium under isotropic diffuse illumination, the MTF of some typical turbid media is fully e aluated through numerical solution with a radiation transfer code DISORT. General MTF characteristics in the whole spatial frequency range are obtained. It is found that the MTF beha ior depends not only on the scattering and absorption optical thickness of the medium but also on the scattering phase function. General features of the dependence of MTF on the optical thickness, the scattering phase function, the single scattering albedo, and the asymmetric factor are presented. Key words atmospheric optics; imaging through turbid media; optical transfer function; modulation transfer function; radiati e transfer OCIS codes 110. 0 113; 110. 4 100; 110. 4850; 010. 1290; 010. 15620; 010. 7295 1 MT F , , MT F ,



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