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机械工程师 MECHANICAL ENGINEER 特殊规则条件下孔基本偏差数值计算方法的研究 唐云11(, 魏艾林, 杨字航,撒建所 ( 黑龙江科技大学机械工程学院,哈尔滨 150022 ) 摘 要:以特殊规别条件下孔』巷基本i偏离差数值计算为E研开究内容提出 7 怕零线孚移法和然析j法去 K为例. 绘制了飞号特夺殊规则条件下孔基本偏差数{值重随公差等级、公称尺寸变化的也线c 以注射棋中导资与定模板的配合 φ42H8/k7为例,分别应用..查表法 、 h 零线平移法和解析法计算孔基本偏差数值. 计算结果均一致,证明了零线.ïjZ.移 法和解析法计算孔基本偏差数值的正确性。 通过应用以上两种方法,拓宽了孔基本偏差数饱计算的途径, 有利于对特 殊规则条件下孔基本偏差散ftI计算的分析和理解。 关键词:特殊规则,孔、轴配合, 基本偏差: 注射槟.同名制自己合 中固分类号: TH 124 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1 002-2333(2016)06-0048-03 Research 00 Basic Deviatioo Calcula tioo of Hole io ScOpe of Special Rules TANG Yuochuan, WEI AUio, YANG Yuh a og, ZANG Jiansuo ( College of Mechanical Engineering. Heilongjiang Universily of Sdence and Technology. Harhin 150022.China) Abstract: This paper studies the basic deviation calculation of hole under the ∞ndition of special rules. and puts forward the zero line translation method and analytical method. Taking Ihe situation that the symbol of ho 1e s basic deviation is K as an example, we draw the curve that expressing the change regularity of holes basi c deviation numbe r with the changes of international tolerance gracl e and nominal dimension under the condition of special rules. With the example that guide bush match with fixed plate φ42H8/k7in injection mould , look - up table method , zero line translation method and analytical method are u sed to calculate the number of holes basic deviation. The con sistency of calculating numher proves the coηectness of u sing the zero line translation method and analytical method to calculate the numher of holes basic deviation. Application of the above two methods extend s the calculation method of hole s basic deviation , a


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