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introduction ?biological oxidation oxidation run in living body, detailedly, the process which nutrient substance, such as saccharides, lipids, and proteins are oxidized into water and carbon dioxide, and simultaneously produce energy. Forms of oxidoreduction in biological oxidation oxidizing reaction loss of electrons dehydrogenation addation of oxygen reduction reaction Gain eletrons Addation of hydrogen Deoxygenation Section 1. ATP ATP is the main form of energy utilization and store in body and the center of energy conversion. High-energy compound Transform between high-energy compounds creatine phosphate– store form of ATP in brain and muscle. Section 2. oxidative phosphorylation 1,3-二磷酸甘油酸 + ADP 3-磷酸甘油酸 + ATP 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸 + ADP 丙酮酸 + ATP 琥珀酰CoA + H3PO4 + GDP 琥珀酸 + CoA-SH + GTP + ADP ? ATP (1) complexⅠ— NADH-Q reducase Fe-S Ubiquinone,Q (Coenzyme Q,CoQ) 人体中: CoQ10 quinones contain a polyisoprene side chain. liposolubility,make it move in mitochondrial inner membrane easily. the only one electron carrier without protein in respiratory chain. cytochrome,Cyt 细胞色素 A、structure: colourant protein containing iron porphyrin. B、typing: Cyta: Cytaa3 Cytb: Cytb562 、Cytb566、 Cytb560 Cytc: Cytc 、 c1 C、difference: ① different side chain of iron porphyrin. Different linkage form of iron porphyrin with the protein. II、oxidative phosphorylation What’s P/O ratio?What’s its meaning?


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