2 系统发生分析.ppt

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2 系统发生分析

最大简约法 (Maximum Parsimony) 最大简约法(MP)最早源于形态性状研究,现在已经推广到分子序列的进化分析中。最大简约法的理论基础是奥卡姆(Ockham)哲学原则,对所有可能的拓扑结构进行计算,找出所需替代数最小的那个拓扑结构,作为最优树。 Buffon (1707-1788) Natural History of Animals * 第五章 系谱分析 生物信息学 2. 系统发生分析(Phylogenetic analysis) 分析基因或蛋白质的进化关系 系统发生(进化)树(phylogenetic tree) A tree showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities that are believed to have a common ancestor. 经典进化生物学: 比较:形态、生理结构、化石 分子进化生物学: 比较DNA和蛋白质序列 研究系统发生的方法 Residues that are lined up in different sequences are considered to share a common ancestry (i.e., they are derived from a common ancestral residue). An Alignment is an hypothesis of positional homology between bases/Amino Acids Easy only with substitutions Difficult also with indels = ((A, (B,C)), (D, E)) Newick format 节点Node 分支 Branch A B C D E 末端节点 可以是物种,群体,或者蛋白质、DNA、RNA分子等 OTU 祖先节点/树根 Root 系统发生树术语 内部节点/分歧点 该分支可能的祖先 HTU A clade(进化支) is a group of organisms that includes an ancestor and all descendents of that ancestor. genetic change no meaning Phylogram Cladogram time Taxon A Taxon B Taxon C Taxon D 1 1 1 6 3 5 Taxon A Taxon B Taxon C Taxon D Taxon A Taxon B Taxon C Taxon D Ultrametric tree 超度量树 进化树 分支树 系统发生树术语 Rooted tree vs. Unrooted tree two major ways to root trees: A B C D 10 2 3 5 2 d (A,D) = 10 + 3 + 5 = 18 Midpoint = 18 / 2 = 9 By midpoint or distance 有根树 A C B D 无根树 系统发生树术语 outgroup 外群、外围支 plant plant plant fungus animal animal animal Unrooted tree root Rooted tree bacterium animal animal animal fungus plant plant plant Monophyletic group Monophyletic group Rooted tree vs. Unrooted tree 选择外群 (Outgroup) 选择一个或多个已知与分析序列关系较远的序列作为外类群 外类群可以辅助定位树根 外类群序列必须与进化树上其它序列同 源,但外类群序列与这些序列间的差异必须比这些序列之间的差异更显著。 eukaryote eukaryote eukaryote eukaryote archaea archaea archaea bacteria outgroup 外群 How to root a tree? 系统发育树构建步骤 多序列比对(自动比对、手工校正) 选择建树方法(替代模型) 建立进化树 进化树评估 最大简约法 (maximum parsimony, MP) 距离法 (distance) 最大似然法 (maximum likelihood, ML) 贝叶斯法 (Bayesian inference) 统计分析 Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio



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