
research of female consumer behavior in cosmetics market case study of female consumers in hsinchu area taiwan女性在化妆品市场消费行为的研究案例研究台湾新竹地区的女性消费者.pdf

research of female consumer behavior in cosmetics market case study of female consumers in hsinchu area taiwan女性在化妆品市场消费行为的研究案例研究台湾新竹地区的女性消费者.pdf

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research of female consumer behavior in cosmetics market case study of female consumers in hsinchu area taiwan女性在化妆品市场消费行为的研究案例研究台湾新竹地区的女性消费者

iBusiness, 2010, 2, 348-353 doi:10.4236/ib.2010.24045 Published Online December 2010 (/journal/ib) Research of Female Consumer Behavior in Cosmetics Market Case Study of Female Consumers in Hsinchu Area Taiwan Chang-Tzu Chiang, Wan-Chen Yu Department of Business Administration, Yuanpei University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China. E-mail: wanchen1110@ Received July 17th, 2010; revised August 16th, 2010; accepted September 27th, 2010. ABSTRACT The rapidly changing social situation in the latter part of the 20th century, such as revolutionary movement for wom- en’s equal rights, significantly affects the women consumer behaviors as well as improves their social status. The awa- kening of female consumer’s consciousness during the recent years leads to alteration of consumer behavior, and in- fluences the women’s usual conception for pursuing fashion an d cosmetics application, in fact, the makeup practice has already been regarded as a social politeness and necessary requirement for interpersonal activities. By employing the Means-End Chain theory, this study intends to explore the attribute, result, and value attached importance by female consumer towards cosmetic products, in order to realize consumer’s cosmetics application process. The female con- sumers in Hsinchu are taken as research targets for this study to conduct variable analysis of their lifestyle and demo- graphic statistics. Totally 550 questionnaires were released and 390 copies are effective among the retrieved ones. Me- thods as factor analysis and ANOVA are applied for examining various study hypotheses. Moreover, the implementa- tion of Means-End Chain theory allows cosmetics industry to better understand the signification of product attribute valued by consumers so as to anticipate the details of consumer result and value recognition experienced by consumers. Keywords : Lifestyle Variable, Demographic Statistics Variable, Product Attribute, Mean-End Chain, Consumer



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