
research on module selection method based on the integration of kano module with qfd method研究基于卡诺模块的集成模块的选择方法和质量功能展开方法.pdf

research on module selection method based on the integration of kano module with qfd method研究基于卡诺模块的集成模块的选择方法和质量功能展开方法.pdf

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research on module selection method based on the integration of kano module with qfd method研究基于卡诺模块的集成模块的选择方法和质量功能展开方法

Journal of Service Science and Management, 2012, 5, 206-211 /10.4236/jssm.2012.52025 Published Online June 2012 ( Research on Module Selection Method Based on the Integration of Kano Module with QFD Method Hang Liu School of Management Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, Zhengzhou, China. Email: liuhang@ Received August 24th, 2011; revised September 23rd, 2011; accepted September 30th, 2011 ABSTRACT To solve the challenge of deciding which modules should be chosen when developing new products, a new methodol- ogy has been proposes. This module selection method combines Kano model into a QFD framework to get the final importance of modules. The QFD approach is first applied to get initial importance ratio. Then, the application of the Kano model adjusts the importance ratio with a consideration of overall satisfaction. Thereafter, the final relative im- portance can be determined by using QFD function. A process model is given to apply the method successfully and unambiguously. Finally, the feasibility and efficiency of this method is demonstrated by a case study. Keywords: Module Selection; QFD; Kano Module 1. Introduction vation of modules can be realised in the real manufac- turing process because of the resource shortage or tech- With the intensive competition among manufacturing in- nology limitation. Therefore, the manufacturers have to dustry, customer satisfaction has been a matter of con- cern to most of the manufacturers. Customer satisfaction make the decision on which modules should be kept to next step



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