robust state-derivative feedback lmi-based designs for linear descriptor systems健壮的state-derivative反馈lmi-based设计线性描述符系统.pdf
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robust state-derivative feedback lmi-based designs for linear descriptor systems健壮的state-derivative反馈lmi-based设计线性描述符系统
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2010, Article ID 927362, 15 pages
Review Article
Robust State-Derivative Feedback LMI-Based
Designs for Linear Descriptor Systems
´ ˜
Flavio A. Faria, Edvaldo Assunc¸ ao, Marcelo C. M. Teixeira,
and Rodrigo Cardim
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira,
Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), 15385-000 Ilha Solteira, SP, Brazil
Correspondence should be addressed to Flavio A. Faria,
Received 7 March 2009; Accepted 20 August 2009
Academic Editor: Paulo Batista Gonc¸alves
Copyright q 2010 Flavio A. Faria et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Techniques for stabilization of linear descriptor systems by state-derivative feedback are proposed.
The methods are based on Linear Matrix Inequalities LMIs and assume that the plant is a
controllable system with poles different from zero. They can include design constraints such as:
decay rate, bounds on output peak and bounds on the state-derivative feedback matrix K, and can
be applied in a class of uncertain systems subject to structural failures. These designs consider a
broader class of plants than the related results available in the literature. The LMI can be efficiently
solved using convex programming techniques. Numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of the
proposed methods.
1. Introduction
The Linear Matrix Inequalities LMIs fo
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