scheduler algorithm for multi-class switch with priority threshold调度器算法多层次与优先级阈值开关.pdf

scheduler algorithm for multi-class switch with priority threshold调度器算法多层次与优先级阈值开关.pdf

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scheduler algorithm for multi-class switch with priority threshold调度器算法多层次与优先级阈值开关

Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012, 5, 313-320 / 10.4236/ijcns.2012.56041 Published Online June 2012 ( Scheduler Algorithm for Multi-Class Switch with Priority Threshold 1 2 2 Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman , Kamaruzzaman Seman , Kamarudin Saadan , Ahmad Kamsani Samingan1, Azreen Azman3 1Telekom Research Development, Selangor, Malaysia 2Faculty of Science Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia 3Faculty of Computer Science IT, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Selangor, Malaysia Email: {abd_aziz, drkamsani}, {drkzaman, kamarudin}, Received March 29, 2012; revised April 23, 2012; accepted May 11, 2012 ABSTRACT The requirement for guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) have become very essential since there are numerous network base application is available such as video conferencing, data streaming, data transfer and many more. This has led to the multi-class switch architecture to cater for the needs for different QoS requirements. The introduction of threshold in multi-class switch to solve the starvation problems in loss sensitive class has increased the mean delay for delay sen- sitive class. In this research, a new scheduling architecture is introduced to improve mean delay in delay sensitive class when the threshold is active. The proposed architecture has been simulated under uniform and non-uniform traffic to show performance of the switch in terms of mean delay. The results show that the proposed architecture has achieved better performance as compared to Weighted Fair Queuei



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