Nervous Tissue - The Lindner Chiropractic Nutrition …:神经组织-林德纳捏脊与营养….ppt

Nervous Tissue - The Lindner Chiropractic Nutrition …:神经组织-林德纳捏脊与营养….ppt

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Action Potential Series of rapidly occurring events that change and then restore the membrane potential of a cell to its resting state Ion channels open, Na+ rushes in (depolarization), K+ rushes out (repolarization) All-or-none principal = with stimulation, either happens one specific way or not at all (lasts 1/1000 of a second) Travels (spreads) over surface of cell without dying out Depolarizing Phase of Action Potential Chemical or mechanical stimulus caused a graded potential to reach at least (-55mV or threshold) Voltage-gated Na+ channels open Na+ rushes into cell in resting membrane, inactivation gate of sodium channel is open activation gate is closed (Na+ can not get in) when threshold (-55mV) is reached, both open Na+ enters inactivation gate closes again in few ten-thousandths of second only a total of 20,000 Na+ actually enter the cell, but they change the membrane potential considerably(up to +30mV) Positive feedback process Repolarizing Phase of Action Potential When threshold potential of -55mV is reached, voltage-gated K+ channels open K+ channel opening is much slower than Na+ channel opening which caused depolarization When K+ channels finally do open, the Na+ channels have already closed (Na+ inflow stops) K+ outflow returns membrane potential to -70mV If enough K+ leaves the cell, it will reach a -90mV membrane potential and enter the after-hyperpolarizing phase K+ channels close and the membrane potential returns to the resting potential of -70mV Refractory Period of Action Potential Period of time during which neuron can not generate another action potential Absolute refractory period even very strong stimulus will not begin another AP inactivated Na+ channels must return to the resting state before they can be reopened large fibers have absolute refractory period of 0.4 msec and up to 1000 impulses per second are possible Relative refractory period a suprathreshold stimulus will be able to start an AP K+ channels are still open, but N


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