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20 10 5 山东省青年管理干部学院学报 M ay, 2010 3( 145) Journal of Shandong Youth Adm in istrati e C adres C ollege No. 3 M ay. No. 145 许 巍 (, 100875) : 为庆祝五四运动 90周年, 从 2008年开始学术界掀起了五四运动的研究热潮, 取得了丰硕的研究成果这些 成果 括起来集中于以下四个方面: 五四内涵与精神的诠释; 五四人物群体社团刊物及思想的深挖掘; 五四意义与作 用的解读; 五四争论与反思的再探讨从以上四个方面出发对 1年多来的五四研究成果进行考察, 作 一综述 : 五四运动; 五四内涵; 五四精神 : D432. 9 : A : 1008- 7605( 2010) 03- 0037- 05 A bstrac t: In order to celebrate the 90 th ann i ersary of theM ay 4thM o ement, there has been an upsurge in its study since 2008 and substantial results has also been y ielded, wh ich m ainly cons ists of the follow ing four aspects about theM ay 4th M o em ent: inter- pretation of its sp irit; a probe to the persons, community, m agaz ines in ol es in it; interpretation of itsm eaning and function as w ell as a d iscussion to som e related argum ents. th th th k ey w ord s: theM ay 4 M o em ent; Connotation of theM ay 4 M o em ent; Spirit of theM ay 4 Mo em ent 2009 90 , , / 0, , , , / , 0 [ 3] , 1, , / 0/ 0 1. 对五四内涵的诠释 / 0, / 0/ : / 0 / 0[ 1] 0, / 0/ , / 0 0,


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