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初级招商专员技巧(Junior investment specialist skills)
初级招商专员技巧(Junior investment specialist skills)
One, mentality chapter
How to shape a positive attitude?
How to face the pressure of rejection, frustration, and performance and peer comparison?
How do you like to call instead of afraid or tired of making calls?
Every day before work to adjust their status, think about happy things, let their emotions in a happy state, it is worth mentioning that our every day our song must be careful to do to sing, so you can go out as soon as possible so that he never good mood
When telephone can not expect each customer high quality is matched with our communication, abuse perfunctory also, but not because of the influence of individual customers that we continue to work mood, as an excellent investment staff, should be treated equally to every customer, a call to the end. Immediately from the call state, adjust the mood after a call, the only way to fast and effective communication
The performance index is the effective way to test our work results, is the effective way to our own test again, we need a healthy attitude towards work, for our results of recognition and reward or not, only through the criticism, but he is only a means or way, we want him as a an incentive, this could not be completed, to summarize the reasons for the next must be completed, the completion of the next time, to do better, I think this is the leadership of the company and most want to see
Everyone under normal circumstances can not every day the passion, is the time node, the customer is the same, dont always have a good mood or have the time to listen to our project, we do business so long should have their own set of time points, grasp the customers time node can effectively avoid with customers caused by our mood doesnt want to play even afraid to call. At the same time can effectively improve the communication effect, so as to obtain from the communication we want to get information.
Two, communication skills and methods
Personal preparation techniqu
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