
地基处理——深层搅拌法(Deep mixing method for foundation treatment).doc

地基处理——深层搅拌法(Deep mixing method for foundation treatment).doc

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地基处理——深层搅拌法(Deep mixing method for foundation treatment)

地基处理——深层搅拌法(Deep mixing method for foundation treatment) Ground treatment, deep mixing method general provisions Suitable for the treatment of silt, silty soil, silty soil and high water content and the standard value of foundation bearing capacity of cohesive soil is not greater than 120kPa foundation 1 deep mixing method. When used for the treatment of peat soil or groundwater is corrosive, should determine its applicability through the experiment, the winter construction should pay attention to the negative effect of temperature on treatment effect. Find out the soil layer thickness and composition of the 2 engineering geological survey, distribution, soil moisture and organic matter content, groundwater erosion properties etc.. Must be tested before 3. deep mixing strengthening interior design, according to the nature of the site soil, selection of curing agent and suitable admixture, provide various ratio of strength parameters for design. The strength of the stabilized soil should be the standard value of unconfined compressive strength of 90d age test block. Design Curing agent for the treatment of soft soil 1. deep mixing method can be used in cement, also can choose other effective curing materials. The doping amount of curing agent should be reinforced soil weight 7% ~ 15%. admixture can be selected according to the need of the project has the early strength, retarding and water reducing, saving cement and other materials, but should avoid environmental pollution. 2. mixing pile composite foundation bearing capacity standard value should be determined by site load test of composite foundation, but also can be calculated as follows: FSP, k=m - rkd/ap + beta - (1-m) FS, K (1) Type FSP, K -- the standard value of bearing capacity of composite foundation; M - area replacement ratio; The sectional area of AP - pile; FS, K - pile foundation soil bearing capacity standard value; Beta - pile bearing capacity reduction coefficient of soil, when the pile soil is sof



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