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中国国民经济核算体系 The Chinese SNA 中国国民经济核算体系 The Chinese SNA 中国国民经济核算体系由基本核算表、国民经济账户和附属表构成。 The Chinese SNA consists of basic accounting tables, national accounts and satellite tables. 中国国民经济核算体系 The Chinese SNA 基本核算表包括国内生产总值表、投入产出表、资金流量表、国际收支平衡表和资产负债表; Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table, input-output table, flows-of-funds table, balance of payments, and balance sheet. 中国国民经济核算体系 The Chinese SNA 国民经济账户包括生产账户、收入分配及支出账户、资本账户、金融账户、资产负债账户; National accounts consist of production account, distribution of income and expenditure account, capital account, financial account, and assets and liabilities accounts. 中国国民经济核算体系 The Chinese SNA 附属表包括自然资源实物量核算表和人口资源与人力资本实物量核算表。 Satellite tables consist of physical accounting table of natural resources and physical accounting table of population resource and human capital. 国内生产总值核算 GDP Accounting 1952年到1978年,是MPS体系下的国民收入统计。1985年,开始建立国内生产总值和第三产业统计制度。 Between 1952 and 1978, we used National Income Statistics based on MPS system. Since 1985, we began to establish the GDP and the system of the statistics of the Tertiary industry. 国内生产总值核算 GDP Accounting 1993年,按照SNA的基本原则和方法进行国内生产总值核算。目前,国家和地区都建立了国内生产总值年度和季度核算制度。 In 1993, we carried through the GDP accounting according to the basic principles and methods of SNA. Now we have established the system of annual and quarterly GDP accounting both by nation and by region. 一、GDP的核算方法 The GDP accounting approach 以生产法和收入法为主,也开展支出法核算。第一产业和工业用生产法;建筑业和服务业用收入法。 We mainly use production approach and income approach, also develop expenditure accounting approach. We use production approach in the primary industry and industry, and use income approach in construction and service. The GDP Table 二、产业分类 Industry classification 年度核算:国家分94个行业;地区分58个行业。 Annual accounting: 94 industries by nation, 58 industries by region. 二、产业分类 Industry classification 季度核算:10个行业;农林牧渔业、工业、建筑业、交通运输仓储和邮政业、批发与零售业、住宿和餐饮业、金融业、房地产业、其他盈利性服务业、其他非盈利性服务业。 Quarterly accounting:10 industries including farming&forestry&animal