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2004 9 15 9 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Sep . 2004 , 15( 9)∀1536~ 1540 * * * 苏培玺 赵爱芬 杜明武 ( , 730000) 2001 ~ 2002 , , . , , . , , 356% . , , 6 6 2 48 ! 10 ~ 60 ! 10 t , . 1 hm 15 hm2 . 100 1- 9332( 2004) 09- 1536- 05 S7 14 A Functions of different cultivation modes in oasis agriculture on soil wind erosion control and soil moisture con servation. SU P eix i, ZHAO A i en , DU M ingw u ( Cold and A rid Regions Environmental and Engineering Re search I nstitute, Chinese A cademy of Sciences, L anz hou 730000, China) . Chin. J. A l. Ecol . , 2004 , 15( 9) : 1536~ 1540 . Dur ing 200 1~ 2002, the e ects o di erent cultivation modes including w inter irrigation and zero t illage, crop grass intercropping, and early spring ilm mulching o n sand entrainment , w ind velocity gradient and soil moisture co nservation w er e studied in the middle reaches o the Heihe Riv er in the Hex i Corridor region . T he results show ed that all these modes could reduce soil w ind erosion and halt sand entrainment to di erent degrees . Com pared w ith the bare ields ex posed by spring plo w ing, early spring ilm mulching could incr ease soil moisture stor ag e by 356% . At present , spring plow ing and sow ing w as a main actor responsible to the occurr ence o sand storm s and t he increase in suspended dust content . Farmlands in the upper and middle r eaches o the Heihe River generally produced a dust transport up to 48~ 60 million tons per year , w hich w as higher than that o sandy desert in


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