fus-ddit3 prevents the development of adipocytic precursors in liposarcoma by repressing pparγ and cebpα and activating eif4efus-ddit3防止adipocytic前兆的发展由压抑pparγcebpα和激活eif4e脂肪肉瘤.pdfVIP

fus-ddit3 prevents the development of adipocytic precursors in liposarcoma by repressing pparγ and cebpα and activating eif4efus-ddit3防止adipocytic前兆的发展由压抑pparγcebpα和激活eif4e脂肪肉瘤.pdf

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fus-ddit3 prevents the development of adipocytic precursors in liposarcoma by repressing pparγ and cebpα and activating eif4efus-ddit3防止adipocytic前兆的发展由压抑pparγcebpα和激活eif4e脂肪肉瘤

FUS-DDIT3 Prevents the Development of Adipocytic Precursors in Liposarcoma by Repressing PPARc and C/EBPa and Activating eIF4E ´ 1 ´ 1 ´ ´ 2,3 Pedro A. Perez-Mancera , Camino Bermejo-Rodrıguez , Manuel Sanchez-Martın , Fernando Abollo- ´ 1 ´ 4 ´ ´ 1 Jimenez , Belen Pintado , Isidro Sanchez-Garcıa * ´ ´ 1 Experimental Therapeutics and Translational Oncology Program, Instituto de Biologıa Molecular y Celular del Cancer, CSIC/ Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 2 Department of Medicine, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 3 Genetically Engineered Mouse Facility, SEA, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, ´ ´ 4 Genetically Engineered Mouse Facility, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologıa (CNB)- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain Abstract Background: FUS-DDIT3 is a chimeric protein generated by the most common chromosomal translocation t(12;16)(q13;p11) linked to liposarcomas, which are characterized by the accumulation of early adipocytic precursors. Current studies indicate that FUS-DDIT3- liposarcoma develops from uncommitted progenitors. However, the precise mechanism whereby FUS- DDIT3 contributes to the differentiation arrest remains to be elucidated. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we have characterized the adipocyte regulatory protein network in liposarcomas of FUS-DITT3 transgenic



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