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第 24 卷第 10 期 Vol.24 No.10 工 程 力 学 2007 年 10 月 Oct. 2007 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 150 文章编号:1000-4750(2007)10-0150-06 车轮原地打滑时轮轨接触界面摩擦温升分析 * 吴 磊,温泽峰, 金学松 (西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610031) 摘 要:简要介绍了轮轨滚滑接触摩擦温升的研究历史和现状。基于有限元法和非稳态传热方程,建立了车轮在 钢轨上原地打滑时轮轨摩擦热分析模型,分析车轮打滑速度对钢轨接触斑附近温度场的影响。模型考虑了轮轨与 环境间的热辐射和热对流边界条件、轮轨接触区的相互换热以及轮轨材料热物性参数随温度的变化。分析结果显 示:车轮原地打滑时,钢轨表面温升率在打滑初期非常高,随后温升率逐渐趋于零;表面温升达到稳定状态后, 钢轨表面温升与轮轨接触区相对滑动速度呈线性关系;当车轮打滑转动的角位移相同而其他条件不变时,钢轨表 面热影响层厚度基本不随相对滑动速度的大小而变化。 关键词:轮轨接触;摩擦温度;有限元法;热传导;钢轨烧伤 中图分类号:TH117 文献标识码:A WHEEL/RAIL FRICTIONAL TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS UNDER WHEEL ROLLING * WU Lei , WEN Ze-feng , JIN Xue-song (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China) Abstract: Studies on the frictional temperature of wheel/rail contact are briefly reviewed. Based on the finite element method and non-steady heat transfer equations, a numerical model is proposed to analyze the frictional temperature of wheel/rail under the wheel rolling without its center translation. The effect of the rolling speed on the temperature field near the contact patch of rail is investigated. The heat-convection and radiation between the wheel/rail and the ambient, heat transfer between the contacting surfaces of the wheel/rail, the material thermal coefficient changing with temperature are taken into account. The numerical results show that the temperature rise rate of the rail surface is very high at the beginning of the wheel rolling and then gradually reduces to zero. When the frictional temperature of the surf


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