英文翻译模板集合 (身份证,户口本,房产证,单位证明信,邀请函,驾驶证等等)_0.doc

英文翻译模板集合 (身份证,户口本,房产证,单位证明信,邀请函,驾驶证等等)_0.doc

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英文翻译模板集合 (身份证,户口本,房产证,单位证明信,邀请函,驾驶证等等)_0

英文翻译模板集合 (身份证,户口本,房产证,单位证明信,邀请函,驾驶证等等) 1. 身份证 (背面 Back side) 中华人民共和国居民身份证 Citizen Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China 签发机关:XX省XX市XX区(县)公安分局 Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City, XX Province 有效期限:2008.05.18 -- 2028.05.18 Valid through(或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity): 2008.05.18 -- 2028.05.18 长期Long Term 2. 户口本 Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Basic Information of Household No.房地产共有情况state of mutual ownership(use) of resl estate 共有(用)人person of mutual owmership(use) 占有房屋份额share of the house 共有(有)权证号certificate number of mutual ownership(use) 纳税情况state of taxation 契价agreed price税率tax rate种类 type纳税tax 4. 单位准假条(DIY676Visa日志里面用到的) Permission for Leave XXX has been working as XXX(职位)in XXX(单位名称)in Anhui Province from 19XX(工作年份)to now. She is XXX(职位)now. Her annual salary is XXX RMB before tax. XXX(假条批准人名字)hereby permits her to take an annual leave from XXX to XXX (来澳洲停留的时间)to go to Australia to visit her daughter there. Signature: Mr XXX (批准人姓名) Dean of XXX (单位名称) Tel:+86 139XXXXXXX (批准人的联系电话) Date:XXX (签字的日期) 5. 毕业典礼邀请信 (DIY676Visa日志里面用到的) DATE NAME Add: XXX Tel: XXX Email: XXX Dear Sir/Madam, I am registered at University of Melbourne as a full-time master (Information Technology) and will graduate in December 2010 (Student No: XXXXXX). I would like to invite my mother XXX (Passport No: XXX) to attend my graduation ceremony within a short-term tourism in Australia from XXX to XXX. I have attached a copy of my passport, Australia student visa and certified enrolment or your information. If you have any question regrading this matter, please kindly contact me at the address above. Sincerely, NAME 6. 单位证明信 (在职及收入证明函) 单位分为政府机关单位,企业以及民间团体等非政府机构,给出了不同的模版如下文。 6.1 政府机关公函 (注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加盖公章。) XX省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使馆(驻上海领事馆): 兹证明张三(个人护照号为我厅公务员,自1993年7月起任职至今,工作表现良好;现职法规处副处长,月收入(税后)人民币伍仟伍佰圆(CNY 5,500)。 张三申请于2008年10月1


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