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China’s Environmental Labeling Program Statement of Professor Xia Qing, Director, and Ms. Yu Jie, Deputy Director of the Secretariat of China’s Certification Committee for Environmental Product Labeling “Ecolabelling: Trade Opportunities Challenges” World Trade Organization Public Symposium “Challenges Ahead on the Road to Cancun” June 16-18, 2003 Dear Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is Ping Xia. As Director of the China Ecolabeling Center, I am pleased to make this presentation on behalf of the Secretariat of China’s Certification Committee for Environmental Product Labeling (SCCEL). I would like to take this opportunity to give our best regards to our colleagues from all over the world, and thank all of you for the technical support and convincing encouragement you have given us. Today, I am presenting a general picture of China’s environmental labeling program. To many of you, this may seem familiar because it is based on the work and technology you have developed in your own ecolabeling programs. Let me assure you, as well as others who may not be familiar with China’s environmental labeling program, that as we continue to develop our program in China, continued harmonization and coordination with ongoing ecolabeling work in other countries is our goal and expectation. History and development of China’s environmental labeling program Program proposal In early 1993, Xie Zhenhua, the Minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration of China, pointed out that sustainable consumption is the link connecting the public with the objective of sustainable development, and we should enhance the environmental awareness of the public and encourage people to identify themselves with and care for environmental protection from the perspective of their own interest. He specifically proposed to draw lessons from the Blue Angel Program of Germany and the Eco Mark Program of Japan for developing market-orientated means for environmental management


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