
EN40 Mupad Tutorial Brown University(布朗大学EN40 Mupad教程).pdf

EN40 Mupad Tutorial Brown University(布朗大学EN40 Mupad教程).pdf

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EN40 Mupad Tutorial Brown University(布朗大学EN40 Mupad教程)

Dynamics and Vibrations Mupad tutorial School of Engineering Brown University This tutorial introduces the MATLAB ‘mupad’ environment for symbolic calculations. You should work through the MATLAB tutorial before starting this one. 1. What is Mupad? Mupad is a GUI driven MATLAB package that helps you do algebra, calculus, as well as to graph and visualize functions. As you know, MATLAB is good for writing simple programs and working with numbers, but is cumbersome for doing symbolic calculations. In contrast, Mupad works with symbols by default, and has a nice menu-driven interface. 2. Starting Mupad You run Mupad by first starting MATLAB (see the Matlab tutorial if you don’t know how to do this), then typing mupad in the MATLAB command window. Start mupad now, and type in the commands as they appear in the tutorial. You might find it helpful to experiment and explore the various functions on your own as well. 3. Basic Mupad window You should see the GUI shown below. Most of the buttons should be self-explanatory. Try clicking a few at random to see what happens… Execute Mupad help Enter Mupad commands here Insert new line Mupad function shortcuts Shortcut to plotting 4. Simple arithmetic calculations Just like MATLAB itself, Mupad can be used as a calculator. Try the following commands Here, the gamma function and besselJ are special functions – the gamma function is the generalization of the factorial to non-integers, and the Bessel function is the solution to a common differential equation. Mupad ha



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