Significance and Advancement of (意义和进步).pdf

Significance and Advancement of (意义和进步).pdf

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Significance and Advancement of (意义和进步)

Significance and Advancement of Ultrasonography in obese people 1 1 2 Kush Tripathi and Krishnan Balasubramanium 0 1 1Centre for Non-destructive Evaluation and Department of Mechanical Engineering 5 1 = Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai-600036, India d i ? / t e n . t Kushtripathi20006@ d n . w w w e s Abstract a b a t In India, obesity is increasing at an alarming rate especially in urban areas. Obesity primarily a D s increases the risks for coronary heart diseases, calculi in liver and gall bladder and reproductive health s e c diseases. These diseases are diagnostically confirmed with the help of ultrasound imaging. This mode c A n of imaging has been predominantly used in quantifying and qualifying the diseases associated with e p human soft tissues. However, the effectiveness of imaging by ultrasound depends largely on the body O t a o fat content. Large deposits of fat below the subcutaneous layer in obese people attenuate the f n I ultrasound waves. This results in reduced penetration of ultrasound into the body, thereby affects the e r o quality of the image. Thus the image taken up by the ultrasound device in obese patient is not of good M resolution and doesnt provide enough details to give a substantial diagnosis. This is a potential hazard which may even lead to wrong diagnosis or failure of early detection. So, the obese patients are advised to go for expensive and riskier imaging modalities


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