爱情激素论(Love hormone theory).doc

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爱情激素论(Love hormone theory)

爱情激素论(Love hormone theory) Recently lovelorn, very depressed, only pay attention to such articles. Previously only heard of the role of dopamine and oxytocin, this article mentioned quite complete, but still feel very metaphysical. But, perhaps only this article can warm us these reading science and engineering, half a lifetime of simple little mind. We emphasize the truth, the mechanism, the sense that this kind of thing is difficult to convince people, or hormone more reliable?. -------------------------------------------------- 1. the most basic kind of love substance is called phenylethylamine (phenyl ethylamine), referred to as PEA. Whether it is love at first sight or, or rijiushengqing or just let the mind produce enough PEA, then the love will arise, saying that to feeling is a masterpiece of PEA. Interestingly, stress can also increase the level of PEA secretion when a person is in danger. That is to say, when a person is in danger, the possibility of being aroused increases. Thats why couples always like to see ghost movies together! In fact, PEA is a nerve stimulant, it can make people feel a sense of extreme excitement, make people feel more energy, confidence and courage. Due to the role of PEA, peoples breathing and heartbeat will be accelerated, heartbeat, palms sweating, facial redness, especially whether the pupil will enlarge, to show true love, or the best criteria for perfunctory. People in love like exchange solemn vows and pledges. Is willing to love on the zodiac, under the ocean to catch turtle five. This is really not a deliberate deception, because when committed, a person who is in love will really believe he has the ability. The unprecedented expansion of confidence is one of the side effects of PEA. Another side effect is the ability to make people prejudiced and persistent and lose the ability to think objectively. Firmly believe that their choice is correct, only to see what they like, is the so-called beauty in the eyes of the beholde



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