生机饮食养生宝典80道天然食疗配方(Vitality diet regimen 80 natural diet formula).doc

生机饮食养生宝典80道天然食疗配方(Vitality diet regimen 80 natural diet formula).doc

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生机饮食养生宝典80道天然食疗配方(Vitality diet regimen 80 natural diet formula)

生机饮食养生宝典80道天然食疗配方(Vitality diet regimen 80 natural diet formula) Vitality diet regimen 80 natural diet formula Wheat grass juice Full nutrition (with belt seeds) lemon juice The leafy stem juice of a godsend meal Pine juice. Guava juice Bitter melon, pineapple and honey Refreshing, Roselle juice Red dates, jujube ginger tea Sesame almond tea Black bean sesame health coffee Health preserving diet Siwu Decoction Health diet, Wubao Decoction - Shiquandabu medicine juice DIET SLIMMING medicated diet Health care original soybean milk - nutrition Tofu pudding Healthy soybean milk paddle Almond rice milk Peanut, brown rice and milk paddle Grind glutinous rice balls to make glutinous rice balls and rice cakes Kiwi juice Beetroot juice Corn and winter melon wine Total nutrition (even belt seed) watermelon juice ? extract (even belt seeds) grape juice Belt tomato juice Tomato pulp Soup of life Vegetable puree Mung bean paste - vitality diet - diarrhea, symptomatic treatment of vegetables and fruits I. active extraction of haw and yam soup Ingredients: hawthorn (even nuclear) 15-30 grams, yam (cooked) 50 grams, red dates (even nuclear) 10, boiling water 600CC Practices: wash the ingredients, add mesh No. 3, and extract for 10 seconds. Efficacy: prevent spleen deficiency diarrhea. Two, whole food, full nutrition, lotus root, apple juice Ingredients: Apple 1/2, lotus root 1 small paragraph (about 100 grams), water 500CC. Approach: the above ingredients wash, 60 seconds out of light light up. Efficacy: improve diarrhea, constipation and gastric bleeding. Three, the whole food nutritional oats papaya yogurt Ingredients: oats, papaya, low-fat yogurt 250CC, water 200CC. Practices: the above ingredients into the machine, into the juice can be. Effects: appetizing whole intestines, diarrhea after nursed back to the skin Four, whole food, full nutrition pumpkin, no flower juice Ingredients: Pumpkin, figs, dried and water 600CC Practice: lighting light up light. Efficacy: laxative, dige


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