简论老子和梭罗(On Lao Tzu and Thoreau).doc

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简论老子和梭罗(On Lao Tzu and Thoreau)

简论老子和梭罗(On Lao Tzu and Thoreau) On Lao Tzu and Thoreau [author] Cui Changqing Abstract the two philosophers of Lao Tzu and Thoreau lived in an age of great social turbulence. Lao Tzu was in the spring and Autumn period, the Zhou Dynasty gradually declined, and the princes fought endlessly. The ruling class in public life people extort excessive taxes and levies, smell, such as escape the enemy. In the face of such social unrest, Lao Tzu proposed return to park, return to nature, nature, inaction, quiet, soft and weak, and not to fight, anti war and a series of ideas, is actually on the challenge of society. Lao Tzu, born not weary, through inaction, he advised the rulers of thin tax, to alleviate social contradiction and relieve contradictions, alleviate the sufferings of the people. And Thoreau lived in the American Civil War, the flames of war ignited, the rise of modern industrial civilization, social upheaval, turbulent times. In the primitive accumulation of capital in the north of the United States, the Indians were brutally and bloody plundered, and the southern slaves lived in dire straits. To this end, Thoreau put forward a simple, simple, simple slogan, and practice, logging, stone, grain planting, live alone in the forest. His theory of civil disobedience has some internal connection with Lao Zis weakness and his thoughts. Thoreau was far from being a socialist; he opposed slavery and opposed the exploitation of road builders by capitalists. Western scholars generally believe that the American Transcendentalism school is deeply influenced by the East, and the eastern ideology they refer to refers to the influence of Confucianism and buddhism. This paper discusses the Thoreau Transcendentalism school outstanding representative ideas, that he learned from the Lao Tzu, or Lao Tzu and agree without prior without previous consultation. This article from the two philosophers life and works; meditation, meditation, standing; the pursuit of the ideal personality;



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