神经衰弱有啥症状(What symptom does neurasthenic have).doc

神经衰弱有啥症状(What symptom does neurasthenic have).doc

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神经衰弱有啥症状(What symptom does neurasthenic have)

神经衰弱有啥症状(What symptom does neurasthenic have) What symptom does neurasthenic have? 1., mental deficiency, mental fatigue: patients often feel lack of energy, malaise, and can not use the brain, or mental retardation, can not concentrate, memory loss, work efficiency decline. 2. of the internal and external stimulus sensitive: no organic disease; the patient more attention on a site, one of the more obvious symptoms, pain, and shift its attention, significantly reduce or even eliminate the pain parts distribution does not necessarily meet the anatomical location, and the location is not fixed, or will change; the patient reported symptoms and more complicated, make people miss the point, said most of the day, finally also dont understand where he is not comfortable. 3. mood swings, easy irritability, lack of patience: easy to more trouble and sorrow; the Xishan anger easily. 4. tension pain: usually caused by tension, the most common tension headache. Patients feel headache, heavy head, head tightness, or neck stiffness, and some also reflected back and limbs muscle pain. The extent of the pain is not related to exertion, even if it is not relieved by rest. The pain can also be complex, characterized by persistent pain or intermittent pain, and in some patients dull pain or tingling. Generally speaking, nervous patients suffer from a lot of tension pain, but they are closely related to emotional stress. 5.: Patients with neurasthenia insomnia, dreaminess, due to cerebral cortex suppression decreased nerve excitability, not easy to cause widespread diffusion during sleep, or sleep is not deep, easy to wake or sleep time is too short, or woke up and to sleep again. For a long time, it is bound to form stubborn insomnia. After a sleepless day dizzy, listlessness, learning, work efficiency is low, the patients feel pain. In the evening, I worry about insomnia. Thus, because of anxiety and insomnia, insomnia and anxiety, mutual causation, repeated effects, and ultimately


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