痔疮应如何进行预防(Hemorrhoids should be how to prevent).doc

痔疮应如何进行预防(Hemorrhoids should be how to prevent).doc

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痔疮应如何进行预防(Hemorrhoids should be how to prevent)

痔疮应如何进行预防(Hemorrhoids should be how to prevent) Hemorrhoids should be how to prevent? Hemorrhoids harm is very serious, so we must pay attention to in life cause hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids treatment and in Japan is the key, so we must pay attention to this kind of life, good care. How can we prevent hemorrhoids disease?. The incidence of hemorrhoids is very high, and the recurrence rate is higher in patients with hemorrhoids after surgical treatment or other therapies. The reason, in addition to the treatment is not complete, do not pay attention to prevention of hemorrhoids is also an important factor in the prevention of hemorrhoids, mainly in the following areas: (1) strengthen exercise: regular participation in a variety of sports activities, such as radio, gymnastics, Tai Chi, qigong, etc., can enhance the bodys resistance to disease, reduce the possibility of disease, and also have a preventive effect on hemorrhoids. This is because physical exercise is beneficial to blood circulation, can reconcile Qi and blood, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve pelvic congestion, prevent constipation, prevent hemorrhoids. On the other hand, the local blood circulation in the anus can be improved by self massage. There are two ways: one is by hand before going to sleep, self massage the coccygeal tip long strong point, each about 5 minutes, can dredge the meridians, improve the blood circulation of the anus; another method is to use the ideas consciously anus to shrink, sooner or later each 1 times, each time 30 times, this is a method of massage, there is blood stasis, exercise of anal sphincter, raised in the role. Often used can improve hemorrhoids venous reflux, for the prevention of hemorrhoids and self treatment have a certain role. (2) prevent constipation; normal people have 1 stools per day, and have different habits of morning, middle and supper. The normal excretion of the stool is a soft stool, not dry, not sparse, defecate, do not feel difficult defecat



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