痔疮的食疗方法及长痔疮吃什么好(What does the dietotherapy method of haemorrhoid and haemorrhoid eat).doc

痔疮的食疗方法及长痔疮吃什么好(What does the dietotherapy method of haemorrhoid and haemorrhoid eat).doc

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痔疮的食疗方法及长痔疮吃什么好(What does the dietotherapy method of haemorrhoid and haemorrhoid eat)

痔疮的食疗方法及长痔疮吃什么好(What does the dietotherapy method of haemorrhoid and haemorrhoid eat) Hemorrhoids eat what good? First, hemorrhoids diet side (the following information is for reference only, in detail the need to consult a doctor) 1. black fungus 5 grams, 30 grams of dried persimmon, black fungus soaked with water, dried diced, rotten, daily 1 ~ 2 times, with Invigorating Qi and nourishing yin and removing blood stasis hemostatic effect, suitable for bleeding hemorrhoids. 2. fresh water chestnut 500 grams, 90 grams of brown sugar, add water, boil for 1 hours, drink soup, eat water chestnuts, once a day, with clearing heat and nourishing Yin effect, suitable for hemorrhoids. 3. eel 100 grams, go to the viscera cut section, add spices boiled, meat soup, there are in the Yiqi, Qingrejiedu, dispelling wind and dehumidification effect, suitable for intestinal wind blood. 4. water spinach 2000 grams, 250 grams of honey, water spinach washed, chopped, smashed juice, put the pot, first with high heat, then simmer heating concentrated decoction, add honey to a thick, sticky fry to stay cold when a bottle, when boiling water to drink red 1 tablespoons, two times daily, with Qingrejiedu, diuretic, hemostatic effect, suitable for external hemorrhoids. 5. ear mulberry 3 grams, 50 grams of rice, first decoct mulberry ear, to slag juice, and rice porridge, with an empty stomach, Qufeng blood circulation effect for intestinal wind zhixue. 6. Xanthium 15 grams, 100 grams of rice, fried coklebur, to slag, into the rice porridge, empty stomach, dispelling wind and eliminating swelling effect, suitable for hemorrhoids blood, the elderly head dark unknown. 7. bovine spleen 1, 100 grams of rice, each with 150 grams of bovine spleen, fritters, and rice porridge, fasting food, can Jianpi Xiaoji, suitable for spleen deficiency and stagnation of blood, cure hemorrhoids. 8., sang Jen 100 grams, 150 grams of glutinous rice, the mulberry kernel boiled juice, and glutinous rice cooked with porr



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