管竞环治疗肾病综合征的经验(Experience in treating nephrotic syndrome with vascular cage).doc

管竞环治疗肾病综合征的经验(Experience in treating nephrotic syndrome with vascular cage).doc

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管竞环治疗肾病综合征的经验(Experience in treating nephrotic syndrome with vascular cage)

管竞环治疗肾病综合征的经验(Experience in treating nephrotic syndrome with vascular cage) Experience in treating nephrotic syndrome with vascular cage Update Date: 2009-05-19 click: Li Jun, Li Youmei, Liu Yi Keywords: nephrotic syndrome, combination therapy of Chinese and Western medicine, old Chinese medicine, experience tube, competition ring Generally, hormone therapy is used to treat nephrotic syndrome, but it is not good for patients with hormone ineffectiveness. Professor Guan Jinghuan has been involved in clinical and scientific research for nephropathy for nearly 40 years. The treatment of nephrotic syndrome, especially hormone depletion, has been effective. It is arranged as follows: 1 TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment 1.1, spleen yang deficiency type Meet in color was white, cold limbs, waist soft, oliguria, edema, pale red tongue, tongue body fat and tender white fur, thready pulse, or neutropenia. Rule: warming spleen and kidney. The basic prescription: Astragalus, ginseng, Chinese yam, radix rehmanniae, Cornus, Atractylodes, Poria, mulberry, medlar, dodder, epimedium, Cistanche etc.. Very cold with aconite, cinnamon and ginger Pinellia; nausea and vomiting, swollen with bamboo shavings; wax gourd seed, Poria, Alisma, Plantago; anemia and hypoproteinemia in available placenta. 1.2 deficiency of liver kidney Yin type Meet in red, five upset hot, sweating, dry mouth, dry eyes, dark red tongue, or cracks, less dry moss. Governance: Nourishing Yin and Yang of the liver and kidney. The basic prescription: rehmannia, figwort, ophiopogon root, yam, medlar, Dendrobium, turtle shell, white peony root, phellodendron bark, licorice. With Rosa laevigata, Gorgon spermatorrhea; Fanre add Digupi, Bai Wei; insomnia and wild jujube, Polygala, poria. 1.3 internal heat and damp heat type In the face and waist body swelling, fever, dry mouth, constipation, skin purulent infection, dark red tongue, thick and greasy yellow tongue fur, wiry or slippery. Or increased white blood cel



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