粟米油营销策划分析(Corn oil marketing analysis).doc

粟米油营销策划分析(Corn oil marketing analysis).doc

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粟米油营销策划分析(Corn oil marketing analysis)

粟米油营销策划分析(Corn oil marketing analysis) Scientists have long studied and found that peoples health is closely related to their daily eating habits. Once there was a mystery, which made people wonder why the Indians had almost no cardiovascular disease? In fact, because the truth is very simple, the staple food is Indian corn. Corn oil and corn germ oil from corn germ, corn is the essence of the part, it has a high nutritional value, corn oil is an edible, medicinal and economic value in the development of advanced plant oil, it can reduce the content of serum cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevention of obesity hypertension and heart disease, it is also known as the longevity of oil. For these reasons, Indian Indians who live on corn have almost no cardiovascular disease. Many people may not know, corn can nourish spleen and stomach, and it contains rich glutamic acid Chen is an essential amino acid, have a good brain, enhance memory function, can help promote brain cell and help discharge toxins, The new supersedes the old., ammonia, so this has become a popular health food in Maize global. At the same time, in some developed countries and Hong Kong and Macao, corn made of corn oil has also become a major edible oil. Hypertension is a common disease at present, for the treatment also has many kinds, but can be prevented and has the function of edible oil has very little, but the corn oil is edible oil. It is well known that high cholesterol in foods is readily attached to the walls of the arteries, which is a major factor in atherosclerosis. The corn oil does not contain cholesterol, it contains fatty acids can reduce harmful cholesterol; it contains linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid that cannot be synthesized in the human body, the human body is very important The new supersedes the old. In addition, corn oil also contains sitosterol, can inhibit harmful cholesterol absorption, therefore, long-term consumption of corn oil have curative effect for pat



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